The Future of Data Integration

Organizations have been undergoing digital transformation for the past decade, and many are collecting and generating data from new data sources that previously did not exist. As a result, there has been an explosion in the volume of data accessible for analysis. Almost half (48%) of ERP professionals say their organization plans on adding 10 or more data sources over the next 18 months.

While companies have achieved a high level of digital transformation maturity, they are now faced with an equally critical problem. How do they harness that data and turn it into actionable intelligence?

To do this effectively, the integration platform must also be able to support:

  • Hyperautomation strategies that speed access to cross-departmental data.
  • Removal of data silos so everyone has access to data across the entire organization.
  • Actionable intelligence that enables organizations to act on the insights in real time.

Don't miss out on the future of data integration. Download our whitepaper and embark on a journey towards faster, more actionable cross-departmental intelligence. 

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About Magic Software Enterprises: Magic Software Enterprises (NASDAQ: MGIC) empowers customers and partners around the globe with smarter technology that provides a multi-channel user experience of enterprise logic and data. We draw on 30 years of experience, millions of installations worldwide, and strategic alliances with global IT leaders, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle,, and SAP, to enable our customers to seamlessly adopt new technologies and maximize business opportunities.